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  • These General Conditions regulate the services and/or products contained on the Website that, BURCOR PRODUCCIONES S.L., (hereinafter the Promoter), with CIF: B-7107295, domiciled at C/ RUBIO 8, 31592, CINTRUÉNIGO, registered in the Registry Mercantil de Navarra, General, offers Users:

  • Once the ticket is purchased, the amount will not be refunded.

  • The Organization reserves the right to alter or modify the Festival program and poster.

  • It reserves the right of admission.

  • The entrance has different security measures. The Organization is not responsible for tickets that have not been purchased at official points of sale. Any ticket that is amended, torn, or shows signs of falsification will authorize the Organization to deprive its bearer of access to the venue. The Organization reserves the right to take legal measures. The Organization will have the right to deny access to the ticket holder's premises if any anomaly is detected.

  • Upon entering the venue, the public may be subject to a search in accordance with current legal provisions, not allowing the entry of objects that may be considered dangerous by the Organization or are prohibited by current regulations, as well as professional photography and video cameras. or recorders.

  • The attending public recognizes and accepts that the Organization holds and is the owner of all intellectual, industrial and any other property rights, including image rights, derived, directly or indirectly, from the artistic representations or any others that took place on the occasion of the event. celebration of the Festival, without territorial or temporal limitation, and without any other limitation other than those provided in the current Intellectual Property Law. Consequently, the capture, fixation or recording of images or sounds is strictly prohibited without the prior written authorization of the Organization. The Organization may expel any person who fails to comply with the previous obligation without generating any right to a refund of the amount of the ticket paid.

  • In the event of total cancellation of the Festival, the Organization undertakes to refund the amount of this ticket. The distribution cost that the sales channels apply to the price of this ticket will not be returned in any case by the Organization, given that it is not the guardian of said amount and that the provision of this service is understood to have been carried out at the time of purchase. purchase of this ticket.

  • Once the ticket has been purchased, the amount will not be changed or refunded, except in the event of cancellation of the Festival in which case Royal Decree Law 11/2020, of March 31, which adopts measures, will apply.
    complementary urgent needs in the social and economic sphere to confront COVID-19. Article 35 of consumer and user protection.
    The distribution cost that the sales channels apply to the price of this ticket will not be returned in any case by the Organization, given that the organization is not a tutor of said amount and that the provision of this
    service is understood to have been carried out at the time of purchase of this ticket.

  • The attending public may appear in images taken by different media for later dissemination through any media. The public attending the event expressly authorizes and free of charge the capture and fixation of their image, voice and name in order to allow maximum exploitation of the recordings that may be made during the Festival and their subsequent dissemination by the Organization or authorized third parties. by it through any means of communication, expressly consenting to promotional and/or commercial use of the captured images. Likewise, the attending Audience transfers to the Organizer, free of charge, the patrimonial content of the right to their own image, without temporal or spatial limitations, for exploitation in any medium or through any form of communication, including their name in any type of advertising, promotion, publication (including the Internet), or any other means,  including for promotional or informational purposes, as well as its display in any medium and/or support.


    In no case may the attending Public claim any financial amount from the Organization derived from the exploitation that said images may carry out.

  • Flights will be carried out with unmanned aircraft (drones) for aerial filming before, during and after the event.  All people who are in the premises will be considered all participants in the aeronautical operation and will be considered notified of the aerial operations with drones/UAS, which will be carried out in the open category (subcategories A1, A2 and A3 ). There is civil liability insurance in the event of causing an incident where the person piloting the aircraft is to blame. If an outside person creates an incident or accident, the insurance will not be responsible for any possible damages. Legal measures will be taken against the person who caused the incident or accident.

  • Minors under 16 years of age may enter as long as they are accompanied by an adult responsible for the minor after 10:00 p.m.; who must ensure their safety and correct behavior during the Festival. Any minor who consumes alcoholic beverages or tobacco will be expelled from the Festival. 

  • In accordance with the provisions of Organic Law 15/1999, of December 13, on the Protection of Personal Data, you are informed that your data will be included in a file owned by Burcor Producciones S.L. and may be used to manage your participation in the activities of Burcor Producciones S.L. as well as to be informed of issues related to Burcor Producciones S.L. and receive congratulations electronically. 


    If you do not wish to give your consent to not be sent advertising and information of interest or congratulations by email, send us an email to

  • The Festival Organization may deny access or expel the holder of a ticket from the venue, in case of non-compliance with the conditions imposed by the Organization's staff, as well as in case it can rationally be presumed that it will involve a risk situation. or danger to the bearer himself or other assistants, due to disturbance or states of apparent or potential intoxication, the bearer being personally responsible in all cases for his own actions and omissions that cause injuries to third parties or damage to things.

  • In no case will the organization refund the distribution cost that could be applied by the sales channels through which the tickets are sold, given that the organization is not, in any way, a provider of the service through the sales channel. sale, nor recipient of said amount. 

  • All attempts at fraud, break-ins and/or damage to private property caused directly or indirectly to the Organization authorize it to take legal measures, both civil and criminal, that it deems appropriate against the perpetrators.

  • The different areas of the different stages of the Festival have an established legal limited capacity, so once that limit is reached, access to these areas will be cut off. Consequently, the Organization will in no case be responsible for the inability of certain attendees to attend certain concerts or events that make up the Festival.

  • The Organization reserves the right to modify, alter or suspend the dates of the event, as well as to modify or cancel the content of these conditions of sale at any time without the Organization incurring any liability towards the purchasers or third parties and with the only obligation to inform the attending public through the channels and/or means it considers appropriate.


    Expressly for the case in which the corresponding competent Authorities/Administrations declare any type of situation or scenario of urgency or health emergency that prevents the celebration of the event in the form and manner planned, the Organization fulfills the commitment acquired with attendees to the event and ensuring their health and safety, the right is expressly reserved to vary the dates of the event, without proceeding to the return of the tickets, but rather to change them by informing through the channels that will be created for the purpose of the new celebration date.

  • Any claim must be accompanied by presentation of the ticket and bracelet.

  • Food or drink cannot be entered into the Festival grounds. In case of medical necessity (celiac disease, etc.), a medical certificate proving it must be presented.  

  • Once this ticket has been exchanged for the bracelet in the area designated for this purpose, the bracelet becomes the element that certifies the acquired right. The loss of the bracelet will mean the loss of the right of admission. Under no circumstances, and until the Festival is over, do you try to remove your bracelet, as it would break and you would lose your right to access the venue. Keep your bracelet when leaving the premises as you will need it to enter again.

  • Promotions and recharges: Any promotion that includes any type of bonus for recharging your bracelet will not be fully refundable. 

  • If electronic payment systems are used with bracelets, the return of the remaining amount on the bracelet will entail a bank commission unrelated to the organization that is usually between €1.5 and €2.

  • Replacing a broken bracelet with a new one will incur a cost of €10

  • An entry may be eligible for a name change, which has a service cost of €5 + GD, any entry with a name change cannot be modified again.

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